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Get rid of getting lost between E-Archive Invoice Solution and Bills.

What is E-Archive Invoice?

E-Archives Invoice is an application that enables the invoice, which is obliged to be arranged, kept and presented in paper environment in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law, in electronic format in accordance with the requirements of Tax Procedure Law General Communiqué numbered 433 and to keep and submit the second copy in electronic environment.

What is E-Archive Billing Solution?

E-Archive Billing solution Workcube is an application that works on ERP application and integrated with various special integrators. The E-Archive Invoices created in the Workcube system are transmitted to the company that has special integration.

Scope of Obligation

Taxpayers who sell goods and services over the Internet and who have a gross sales revenue of 5 million pounds or more in 2014, have to go to e-Archive Application by 01.01.2016 at the latest. The taxpayers entering the scope are required to complete the e-Invoice and e-Archive applications and the actual transition preparations before the specified date.

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